ISO 19005 - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation (PDF/A)

A template for BSc / MSc theses

Document template suitable for use as a LaTeX master-file for bachelor's / master's thesis in University of Turku Department of Computing.

Compatible with: ShareLaTeX, pdfLaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX, LyX, latexmk. The template is configured to use the prebuilt TeXLive image available via thesis/builder.


Online documentation available at

Visit the generated preview page for a live demo of the rendered document. When compiling your own thesis using GitLab CI/CD, considering using the more lightweight CI/CD configuration to speed up the compilation.

Bugs / improvements

Merge requests and bug reports are welcome - if you find an issue, please report to us. There is also another issue tracker for the documentation.

Version history

  • 2019/12/20: Switched to pdf/a a-2b, list of acronyms with nomencl, fix tests, switch to a custom Dockerfile, add support+example demonstrating minted
  • 2019/05/28: Fixed app. page count for documents with multipage floating content in appendices, adjustments to options and font handling, documentation, options for handling long urls in the bibliography, removed unnecessary deps titlecaps & sverb
  • 2019/05/02: PDF/A-1b support (via pdfx), moved chead to cfoot, updated UTU logos
  • 2018/10/06: Got rid of startappendices and startpages. various fixes. cleanups
  • 2018/10/02: Removed redundant tutkielma.tex, fixed issues with appendices, small caps, added an option to enable the truetype times new roman font
  • 2018/08/29: Switch to document classes, xelatex, biblatex, and additional TeX scripting. Jari-Matti M?kel? (
  • 2017/10/01 - 2016/9/22 additions marked "JH:", modified for use in, Johannes Holvitie (
  • 2015/09/05: Version 1.3, Sami Nuuttila (

PDF/A status (see this and this)

PASS /builds/jtnorr/thesis/./thesis.pdf

TitleISO 19005 - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation (PDF/A)
CreatorLaTeX with hyperref
CreationDateSun Sep 22 13:28:43 2024 UTC
ModDateSun Sep 22 13:28:43 2024 UTC
Custom Metadatayes
Metadata Streamyes
Page size595.276 x 841.89 pts (A4)
Page rot0
File size266456 bytes
PDF version1.5
PDF subtypePDF/A-2b:2010
SubtitlePart 2: Use of ISO 32000-1
StandardISO 19005-2
ConformanceLevel B, Basic